Christmas Tree Festival 2024

  • 13th December, 6pm-9pm
  • 14th December, 10am-5pm (when you can also make a Christingle!)
  • 15th December, 1pm-4pm

Friday 13th to Sunday 15th December, open to everyone.

Every year we hold a Christmas Tree Festival, where individuals, organisations, families and school groups beautifully decorate Christmas trees, and we use our main hall to allow everyone to come and enjoy them.

Visit us at West Mersea Free Church during the festival:

  • Free entry
  • Free refreshments
  • Free crafts!

We’ll also have some of our team around, and whether you come alone or with friends and family, we’d love to have a chat.

Joining in at the Christmas Tree Festival is completely free of charge, but if you wish to donate, any money collected will be going to the Mersea Island Community First Responders.

Make your own Christingle

We invite you to join us on the Saturday of the Christmas Tree Festival to make your own Christingle! We make these during Advent each year to celebrate the birth of Jesus, who we believe is the Light of the World.

Get in touch

Fill in the form below if you have any questions or would like more information about the Christmas Tree Festival.

By completing this form, you agree to us being able to use your data for the purposes of communicating with you about the Christmas Tree Festival. We may need to share information you supply to other individuals within the church organisation to respond to you, however the sharing of any information will be restricted to individuals required to be involved.