- Version 1.0
- Download 22
- File Size 148.4 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 8 October 2021
- Last Updated 8 October 2021
David & Goliath : A Beacon Bible Story
© 2020/2021 West Mersea Free Church
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By downloading the video, you take full legal responsibility for its use. West Mersea Free Church, its trustees and members are in no way liable for any damages, for any reason, related to the download, use, or potential use of this video.
West Mersea Free Church gives you permission to use “David and Goliath: A Beacon Bible Story” free of charge in your church, subject to the following conditions:
- you accept that copyright and ownership of all the content remains with West Mersea Free Church;
- it is for church use only (for all non-church use please contact [email protected]);
- no images from it are permitted to be used in any printed media form without explicit prior permission;
- it is not used for any commercial activity or be sold on in any format;
- it is not used for any broadcast activity;
- you do not edit, alter or change any visual or audio elements within it;
- you show the video in its entirety;
- you do not pass the video on to another person except to those who are part of your own church and for use in your own church activities alone, which must not invalidate any of these terms;
- if the video is used as part of online streamed worship service:
- it should not comprise more than one quarter of the total time of the worship service;
- credit should be given, where possible, in the online description using the following text: David and Goliath: A Beacon Bible Story © 2020/2021 West Mersea Free Church
- except as part of online streamed worship as described above, you may not upload this video to any social media, content sharing platforms or websites. However, you are permitted to use the YouTube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1yvrzyKx-A) on your church’s social media platforms.