5 July 2020


Passage: Luke 12:13-34


This Sunday we meet to worship together as we continue to think about, in these world-shaking times, what it means to build our lives upon 'The Rock'.

Based on one of the topics coming out of the Who Cares? survey, this week we're looking at money. Rob starts by asking us some of the questions you would go through at the start of the CAP Money Course.

Money is something that can control our lives, but we should not let it. We can be content with what we have, and prioritise God in our lives. When we can give, we should give, as giving reflects the image of God.

What distracts you from God? The Bible says to commit your ways to Him, and he will give you your desires for good things.

We need to make our priorities what matters, and not money. The Bible talks about storing up our treasures in Heaven, as that is a firm foundation - building our lives upon The Rock.

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. The danger of the love of money is the focus on money at the expense of everything, or everyone else. We should be careful, and follow what God wants for us, and not be driven by money.


Deni and Steve gave us our reading this week, from Luke 12:13-34.

Favourite song

We spoke to Champa, who has spent much of her time recently reading books and cooking - trying various new recipes. Her favourite song is Make me a channel of your peace, which gives her hope.

Join Alpha

It's never too late to join Alpha! Alpha is a course that gives you a place to ask questions, consider who God is, who Jesus is, and explore faith a little bit more. It's a place where you're free to ask questions, learn more about the Holy Spirit, and think about prayer.

We'd love for you to take part - you're welcome to join whether you're new to church, or have known God all your life. We're holding it online, so you can join from wherever you are in the world.

For more information, or to sign up, visit our Alpha page or email [email protected].

Share on the wall

It's absolutely great hearing from you, discovering things you've been doing, and sharing your encouragement. We would love for you to continue to send in pictures, tell us what you've been up to and learn of the ways God has been speaking to and encouraging you. We'd also like to share these to help encourage others at this difficult time. There's more information about how you can share this with us on our website.