Why did Jesus die?
28 June 2020

Why did Jesus die?

Passage: Luke 24:13-35

This Sunday we meet to worship together as we continue to think about, in these world-shaking times, what it means to build our lives upon 'The Rock'.

This week we're asking: "why did Jesus die?"

The answer is love. God loves, and He longs for a relationship with us.

It's hard to love someone you like, but to love someone you don't like can be even harder - but Jesus tells us to love our neighbours as ourselves. It's our failure to love others that draws us away from God.

The only way to deal with the consequences of our failures and sin was through God coming to live with us and showing us what it is to truly love.


We're having communion as part of this service - if you want to join in and you don't have bread and wine/juice handy, feel free to use whatever food and drink you might have available.


We heard from Peter and Josie - throughout the 'lockdown', Peter has been writing his memoirs, looking at people who have touched his life, and Josie has been keeping busy sorting photographs and gardening.

Today's reading is from Luke 24:13-35.

Favourite song

This week we spoke to Andy, whose favourite song is In Christ Alone - when Andy started coming to the church it was sung quite frequently, and the words in this song are both powerful and uplifting.


We're focusing this week on praying for our neighbours and the people we live near to, whether we know them well or only a little.

Join Alpha

Alpha is a course that gives you a place to ask questions, consider who God is, who Jesus is, and explore faith a little bit more. It's a place where you're free to ask questions, learn more about the Holy Spirit, and think about prayer.

We'd love for you to take part - you're welcome to join whether you're new to church, or have known God all your life. We're holding it online, so you can join from wherever you are in the world.

For more information, or to sign up, visit our Alpha page or email [email protected].

Share on the wall

It's absolutely great hearing from you, discovering things you've been doing, and sharing your encouragement. We would love for you to continue to send in pictures, tell us what you've been up to and learn of the ways God has been speaking to and encouraging you. We'd also like to share these to help encourage others at this difficult time. There's more information about how you can share this with us on our website.