Special BMS Service
12 July 2020

Special BMS Service

Join us this Sunday for our morning worship. This week, we are especially thinking and praying for BMS World Mission.

We heard from Dave and Michele in Peru, who introduced us to their work with BMS, with Michele supporting women, children and training in churches, with Dave supporting and pastoring the 9 churches in their area. They also told us about the work they're doing now and the situation in Peru.

They ask that we pray for:

  • them to be able to travel to the training centre
  • team unity
  • school work for their family
  • good leadership for Peru
  • unity for the churches
  • those living in fear

We also spoke with Becky, who is now at the BMS base in Didcot (having previously served as our link missionary abroad), working with the mission workers whilst in the UK and ensuring they have pastoral care overseas. She also spoke about how COVID-19 has affected mission work, including arranging for people to return with very short notice.

She asks that we pray for:

  • her coping with isolation
  • a good rest
  • wisdom for staffing at BMS
  • planning for BMS's future
  • God's provision

BMS are also running a Coronavirus appeal to support their ongoing work.

Favourite song

We spoke to Heather, who has been clearing out (but not dusting!) cupboards over the past week. Her favourite song is What a friend we have in Jesus, but instead she has today chosen Everlasting Arms today because is speaks of God's overwhelming and unchanging love for us, even in this time of constant change.

Join Alpha

It's never too late to join Alpha! Alpha is a course that gives you a place to ask questions, consider who God is, who Jesus is, and explore faith a little bit more. It's a place where you're free to ask questions, learn more about the Holy Spirit, and think about prayer.

We'd love for you to take part - you're welcome to join whether you're new to church, or have known God all your life. We're holding it online, so you can join from wherever you are in the world.

For more information, or to sign up, visit our Alpha page or email [email protected].

Share on the wall

It's absolutely great hearing from you, discovering things you've been doing, and sharing your encouragement. We would love for you to continue to send in pictures, tell us what you've been up to and learn of the ways God has been speaking to and encouraging you. We'd also like to share these to help encourage others at this difficult time. There's more information about how you can share this with us on our website.

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