Mission Impossible (Week 2)
10 June 2018

Mission Impossible (Week 2)

Service Type:

For the second week of the sermon series for June 2018, Rob speaks about our 'Mission Impossible' in serving the Lord through mission. Using Peter & Cornelius as a stepping-stone to how we can serve today, Rob looks at evangelism and how being a missionary is being someone who shares the good news.

A short clip was used to illustrate discovering God for the first time - and the desire to pursue further until our desires are met.


William Carey's mission took him to Kolkata, India - and although ours may take us around the world, we also have the opportunity to fulfil missions locally - even within our own church family.

Rob also explains some of the factors that may hold us back: prejudice; disappointment; being scared; not wanting to change; not believing we have the right resources; being apathetic.

Rob reads the lyrics from 'Asleep in the Light' by Keith Green - about how taking action is far more important than holding ourselves back.


The mission this week is to go and share God's love within the community, the country, and the world.

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