20 September 2020



Join us in worship this morning as we hear from Beth Powney at the start of the Eastern Baptist Association's week of prayer.

It's a little mini-break from our new series on Daniel, looking this week at discipleship (the theme of this year's week of prayer) with Beth.

During the service we also take communion together as a church family, but from the comfort of our own homes. If you don't have bread and wine (or juice) you can even join with perhaps a biscuit and maybe water instead?

As part of our worship, we'll be singing Faithful One, with the music by iSingWorship - all rights reserved.

Favourite song

This week we talk to Peter and Josie, who share their favourite song Faithful One.

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It's absolutely great hearing from you, discovering things you've been doing, and sharing your encouragement. We would love for you to continue to send in pictures, tell us what you've been up to and learn of the ways God has been speaking to and encouraging you. We'd also like to share these to help encourage others at this difficult time. There's more information about how you can share this with us on our website.
