What “church” means
17 May 2020

What “church” means

Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:1-16

Today, we're continuing our series looking at The Rock. We're looking this week at "Church", what church is, and what church means.

We look this week particularly at 1 Corinthians 3:1-16, where Paul writes to the people in Corinth about building a firm foundation on Jesus. The church is founded upon Jesus, and not its building, its location, but its people.

The church is still there to gather together, even if differently to before. It's also still there to grow together. There are lots of things we can plant into our lives that can bring us closer to God.

During our service we also shared a couple of videos, with kind permission:

Receive our 'Thought for now'

Members of our church are helping us to grow together by writing a 'Thought for now', which we're sharing through email. If you'd like to receive these (twice weekly), please get in touch.

Favourite song

This week we spoke to Wayne and Mary, who have selected their favourite song, Creator God. It's a song that looks at aspects of God's wonderful creation - and also one written by another member of our church, Robin Childs.

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We would love to see what you've been up to, and how God has been revealing himself to you in these times. There's more information about how you can share this with us on our website.

Want to talk?

If you'd like to talk about something that came up in our service, or you'd like to have someone pray with you, or for you, please feel free to get in touch.